Z przyjemnością informujemy, że podczas tegorocznej edycji festiwalu fotograficznego OFF Bratislava Wydział Fotografii reprezentować będzie Dagmara Barańska-Morzy z projektem WHAT IS NOW, HAS BEGUN THEN, stanowiącym jej dyplom magisterski z tego roku, zrealizowany w pracowni NeoFotografii.
How well do we know other people? How true is the image we build from the first meeting? How much of this image carries over into later life? Can we perceive the boundary between an image woven from memories and emotions and a living person? To what extent is this image an illusion, and to what extent do we touch the real essence of the person's personality? What is now, has begun then is an attempt to tell the story of the fragility and transience of relationships with the loved ones. It is also an attempt to confront unconscious traumas passed from generation to generation. Finally, it is a reflection on the true nature of the ties that bind us to people. Are they thick stringy knots binding us to the past? Or are they ephemeral, fleeting phenomena that, despite their promise to stay with us forever, dissolve over time into oblivion? These are questions to which I am still searching for answers.