Photography students can also count on the experience and practical support of the lecturers of the Department of Photography in the area of technical issues, such as photographic and film techniques, lighting, digitalisation and digital editing of photographs, printing on various papers and unusual bases, large-format cameras, work in a traditional black-and-white and color darkroom, experiments with historical photographic processes, designing photographic books and the basics of bookbinding.
An important element of education in the field of photography are art plein-air workshops organized by individual studios and professional internships carried out in cooperation with cultural institutions, foundations and associations, archives, galleries, publishing houses, photography studios, printing houses, etc.
The Department of Photography brings together artists of several generations, engaged in numerous artistic, exhibition, scientific and popularizing activities in the field of photography. We are among the initiators and organisers of the International Poznan Photo Diploma Award Competition, the international review of photography books Booki. Studying Photobooks, COMO Magazine, as well as active members of the authorities of the Scientific Society of Photography, members of the European Photography Educators’ Network, researchers and popularisers of the historical processes of photography, exhibition curators, jurors of competitions, authors of exhibitions and publications.
The activity and engagement of lecturers enable cooperation with national and international cultural and academic centers, as well as wide promotion of students’ works during significant artistic events connected with photography (European Month of Photography, Chiang Mai Photo Festival, photography festivals in Arles, Riga, Bratislava etc.).